Back pain when making bracelets
2 years, 2 months ago by SunDally
what do you guys do to avoid having back pains during and after making bracelets? 🥹 I tend to suffer from back pains because of my slouched posture while making bracelets and even tho I try to fix my position from time to time, I still go back on slouching after a few minutes 😭 and the pain is usually at its peak right after I finished making a bracelet. any tips? 🥲
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by aurelius
i make my bracelets on a clipboard which allows me to lean back on my bed or couch while work 🙂 it's important to make sure that you get up and stretch at least every half-hour!
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by mrs_jordan
I noticed when I would make bracelets in bed, I would have back pain but now that I make them at my desk, I do not have the problem as much. I would not say my desk chair is the best but it is a tall wheely chair so that may help.
2 years, 2 months ago by aceofseas
I have the same problem 😭 😭 😭 Can you please tag me if you get any other solutions that work for you?
2 years, 2 months ago by anne14357
I put a pillow behind my back which takes some of the stress off my back
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by squirrel_
it works for me to use a clipboard and then sit at the desk resting the clipboard on my lap and then the top on the desktop. Walking a little every so often helps too. As an extra, I like to stretch, if you want I can share the video that I usually use as a guide to stretch correctly without getting hurt
2 years, 1 month ago by jenni745
I always have the same problem and I usually make bracelets on my bed so I usually put a blanket or pillow behind me and my back won’t hurt as much but make sure you do stretch every once in a while.
2 years, 1 month ago by hollow_log
if I'm sitting in a chair, i like to tuck in my legs and rest my clipboard against them while i work. i am guilty of horrible posture normally, and if i don't do this my back will usually start hurting. i also recommend taking breaks to stretch and walk around for a minute because that always helps me
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by 141594
I usually do the same thing as hollow_log and bend my knees so my clipboard can rest on my knees but I do struggle cuz sometimes I'm not in the mood to do that but I would say if your doing it in bed either propping up some pillow or just sitting with you back to the headboard.
2 years, 1 month ago by spyderwebs
i have a chronic back injury due to my posture and see doctors and physios and stuff regularly. the things they’ve recommended for when i’m sitting down doing stuff like making bracelets is i have a lumbar pillow that goes behind my back, and always sit on a chair or couch with a straight back support rather than like in bed. every 30 minutes stand up and walk around the room and stretch your back, and if you regularly spend long periods of time sitting down focusing on something (as most of us do with bracelets) then try having a regular stretching routine, and do it like every couple days. you can find heaps of good back/lumbar stretches online and find ones that work for you 🙂
2 years ago by Athenaaa
Hello! This happens to me too when I make bracelets sitting in one position for too long. I’d definitely recommend propping your back on a pillow against a flat surface (whether it’s the headboard on your bed or a chair) just like everyone else on here said, but ALSO don’t forget that neck support is really important too. Make sure not to lean your head too far forward because that could cause neck/upper back pain (it did for me).
Hope this helps ❤️