Do you need longer strings for wider bracelets
2 years, 1 month ago by sjandrews
I am hoping to make a bracelet with 24 stings. Eeek. Nervous about it.
I suck at formulas. Would 2 meters be long enough or would it be better to make them longer?
Thank you!
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by Adoynte109
when your making a loop, id say around 2 meters is the ideal string length but it also depends on how often that color is used in the bracelet. the more the color is used in the braceleet, the more your going to need of it. and if you run out you can always insert more string
2 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
How wide the bracelet is, does not really make a difference.

If all strings are used equally, you can use your standard string length. If one string does more knots of its colour, make it longer. If less knots, make it shorter.
2 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
If you want to do #25750 or #92011 from your to-dos, you can work with your standard string length, because all strings are used equally.

For #135326 i can't really tell at the first glance, but if you want to figure this out, count how many knots are made in the colour of each string.

For #108786 black needs to be longer. In general outline colours need to be longer, because they barely get interrupted. If you knot the pattern like it is, the fourth and fourth to last white string also needs to be longer for that reason, but when you make knots between two strings of the same colour, you can just switch the knots up, if you notice that you are running out of one string and another is still long.
2 years, 1 month ago by sjandrews
Wow. Thank you @Adoynte109 and @halokiwi. I am blown away that you would go to my To-Do list and check that out in order to answer my question. Amazing. Thank you!
I want to do #2574000 in paler pinks and greys for a buddy at work. He has a beautiful bracelet bought in South America that he has worn for 15 years! It is literally falling apart. So I said I would make him a new one as long as he understood my limitations. He chose that pattern and in grays and pinks.
2 years, 1 month ago by sjandrews
Mmmm it is @25750