😭 🤔what type of knots should i do?😭 🤔
2 years, 2 months ago by emma242
some people do tight knots, some people say its best, but my opinion is that loser knots the better, if its tight knots than the bracelet will just curl up. so i dont do that. hopefully i am being descriptive enough. if not just ask me. 🙂
2 years, 2 months ago by halokiwi
You can do whatever you like best 😄In normals knot tightness mainly determines how stiff the bracelet is. Both tighter and looser knots can look really nice, but it's important that your knot tightness is consistent. In alphas looser knots are generally recommended. |
2 years, 2 months ago by emma242
yes! lose works best for me tho! but you can do either way! thank you! 🙂 ❤️
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by AJsHere
in general you have more wiggle room with normals, but too lose can make them fragile. with alphas if you don't want them to stretch, you'll have to make the knots pretty loose so they end up actually square.
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by sage-wolf
with normals make it loose on the first half of the knot and then as tight as possible on the second half 🙂. This helps prevent the knot flipping. with alphas I usually make tight knots, though I don’t think this is considered the best way, I just find that loose knots look messy and make it harder to keep the rows consistent
2 years, 2 months ago by ughastd
either one works, it depends on your preference. if you’re unsatisfied with how your bracelets look then looser knots may help (but this is, once again, up to preference). and like someone else said the tightness of knots impacts how stiff the bracelets are as well as how big they end up coming out!
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by feiwafeiwa
For normals I prefer tight knots! I find that looser knots create bracelets with gaps, especially for more complicated patterns. I find that as long as the first half of the knot is tight, the second will be secure whether or not it's tight or loose (though I still prefer a tight second half because that also helps to prevent gapping in the final bracelet). As long as all the knots are of equal tightness, it'll look totally fine. For beginners, it can be hard to gauge how tight is too tight, but you develop a feel for it after a while.
2 years, 1 month ago by emma242
@feiwafeiwa yeah! and ofc you prolly are right, i maybe need to do tight knots, but when i started making bracelets i did loose knots, so thats what im use to. but everyone is saying tight knots so next time i make a bracelet ill remember that 👌
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by SBGal_13
My knots are pretty in the middle but a bit on the looser side. I used to tie my knots really tightly, and then the skin on my fingers started to blister and tear. Haha. I just tie my knots looser now. I feel like it is better to do looser knots on alphas because of the color switches. 😊😊😊
2 years, 1 month ago by spyderwebs
i actually do the exact opposite of was sage wolf said! first half of a normal knot i do super tight to avoid holes, then second half i make a bit more loose so that the bracelet is not too stiff, but if you prefer your bracelets more stuff with smaller knots then the opposite would be better 🙂
2 years, 1 month ago by spyderwebs
oops sorry, misclick! 😂😂
2 years ago by carolinasm
in my opinion tight knots work better for me but both can work it just depends on your preference
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by Nini563123
You can cut of few pairs of strings and test few types of knots(tight, super tight, lose, very lose, medium...) and see what is best for you
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by Goldfish15
@SBGal_13 I did the exact same thing! I used to do my knots super tight until my skin got blistered to the point that it was painful to do any knotting. 😂