triangle ends with odd number of string
2 years, 7 months ago by itz_kayra
i was wondering if there is a way to do triangle ends with an odd number of strings. i want to make pattern #5608 but i’m not sure how to start it. i don’t think i am able to do a teardrop loop for this pattern (let me know if i’m wrong) so i’m brainstorming of ways that i can start it that’s not just a basic knot. can i make triangle ends for this pattern?
2 years, 7 months ago by halokiwi
You can do a triangle start or you can do a teardrop loop. That's completely up to you. Both work just fine.For the loop you can follow MashaKnots video on making loops with odd numbers of strings. For the v part or the triangle part, you just do it slightly off-center so you have 6 strings on one side and 5 strings on the other side. Everything else works just like usual. |
2 years, 7 months ago by itz_kayra
@halokiwi how would i do a stitched loop if i need one color on one side and my other color on the other side? also is it possible to segment knot this pattern?
2 years, 7 months ago by halokiwi
@itz_kayra have you watched MashaKnots video on making a loop with odd numbers of thread? I think she explains it very well in her video. Yes. this pattern can be segment-knotted. |
2 years, 7 months ago by itz_kayra
@halokiwi yes i watched it and i know how to make it very well but what i meant was for that pattern, you need all of your “A” colors on one side and all of your “B” colors on the other side. so if i do a stitched loop, i would need to fold my strings in half, but then my stings wouldn’t be set up in the order it needs to be. i’m sorry if this doesn’t make much sense, i’m still rather new to bracelet making 🙂
2 years, 7 months ago by halokiwi
I think I understand now. You can either make one half of the loop one colour and the other half the other colour or you could make the loop just one colour. I don't think there are other options :/