Segment knotting page 2
5 years, 1 month ago by jshtamler
@halokiwi that’s exactly what i did! thank you!
5 years ago by jshtamler
help segment knotting #28674 thanks
5 years ago by halokiwi
@jshtamler I recommend you follow the diagonals from the upper left to the lower right. I don't think there's an obvious way that you could segment knot it in another way.
5 years ago by forjnghyn
How do segment knot diagonally? I get the main idea, starting to knot from top left to bottom right but what do you do after you reach top right? I hope this makes sense 😂
5 years ago by halokiwi
@forjnghyn I'm not sure what exactly you mean but I'll try to explainLet's take pattern #1 (candy stripe) as an example There's two ways you can start this pattern if you want to segment knot. (There are more but those are the two I'll explain) Way 1: Start at the top left. You make forward knots with the string on the left over all other strings until it's on the right. When the string is on the right you continue with the string that's now on the left. When you do it this way you will leave some of the knots on the right in the first few rows out but it doesn't really matter. The only thing you have to pay attention to is that the strings are in the correct order. You need to look at over which strings you make your knots, not which order the strings have in the first row. Way 2: You start on the top right. You take the second to last string and make a forward knot on the last string. Then you take the fourth to last string and do forward knots onto the three strings on the right. Then you take the sixth to last string and do forward knots on the five strings on the right. You continue doing this until you are always using the first string. Then you're basically doing way 1. If you want to do the knots on the top right you have to do them before the knots that come after them. When segment knotting you have to ask yourself two questions: 1) which knots can I make in one go? 2) have I done all the knots I need to do before I can make this knot? |
5 years ago by forjnghyn
@halokiwi Thank you so much but that doesn't exactly answer my question. Take a look at pattern #4222 on Let's say start tying the bracelet diagonally from C on the Top right then made it all the way to A on the top left. A on the top left (the first string) stretches out from row 1 to 17. After finish tying these knots, what should I do? How should I knot from that point onward? Should I start (after what I did as explained above) from A on the top left from the second row then continue? I hope this makes my question clearer
5 years ago by halokiwi
@forjnghyn that pattern is an alpha pattern. It is not possible to knot alpha bracelets. You've got to go row by row, from right to left and then back from left to right.Segment knotting only works for normal patterns because they have a different structure. |
5 years ago by forjnghyn
It's not an alpha. Pattern #4222 on this website, bracelet book is an alpha. I was asking about pattern #4222 on friendship bracelets . net
5 years ago by halokiwi
@forjnghyn I'm sorry I didn't read carefully. I don't think we're supposed to talk about that page here :/ I'll explain it in the chat