Knots Too Tight?
2 years, 9 months ago by Anya411
I made a bracelet except when I finished the bracelet curved up. Am I pulling my knots too tight? Can someone please help me find a way to make my bracelet more flat?
Bracelet King
2 years, 9 months ago by Rowsitt
probably too tight. it could be also that your strings are different sizes
2 years, 9 months ago by halokiwi
Is it a normal or an alpha pattern?In an alpha it could also be that you pull the loose leading strings in the back too tight. In this case you could cut the loose leading strings to stop the curving. |
Bracelet King
2 years, 9 months ago by alivetoliv
Hi!Bracelets curl for several reasons. Your knots may be too tight OR the pattern you made may just tend to curve more. The Candy Stripe pattern, for example, is more likely to curl because all the knots are pointing in one direction. Knots pointing in the opposing direction help a bracelet lay flat. Hence, the Chevron pattern (with a balance of F and B knots) naturally lays flatter. So how to solve this? If possible, try segment knotting in V sections; like you are making a chevron but, follow the pattern you are working on. You do not have to stick to single rows of Vs. You can do a few diagonal rows on one side and join everything on the other side. Just do your best to balance the pull of the knots. OR simply iron your bracelet flat when you are finished. Consider using spray starch if you would like. |
2 years, 9 months ago by Anya411
Thanks for all of the tips! 🙂 I will be sure to give them a try! 😊