Best pattern for starting alphas?
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by AutumnR
Let me know what tips you suggest when learning to make alphas. I’ve made about 25 decent normal pattern bracelets and really want to expand my horizons. Also, what’s the simplest alpha pattern to learn that will still look cool?
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by oceanknot
#286 could be a good one to start with since it only has 2 colors and is relatively small
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by oceanknot
When learning to make alphas, I would suggest using a base string slightly thicker than your knotting string (size 3 crochet thread works well for me), but make sure your knotting strings are all the same thickness. I would also suggest using the flat alpha and straight edge technique on your first alpha, but if that’s too complicated, you could always just learn them later. If your first alpha doesn’t turn out the way you want, just remember that it takes practice and everyone can always improve
3 years ago by _-wave-_
#1654 and #26251 were the first alphas I made and they were both simple patterns that were really easy to follow. For your first alpha, I recommend trying a pattern that doesn't have too many (6 or more maybe) colours or strings (maybe don't try something with 20+ strings when you're starting out), the more colours and strings you have, the more confusing it can be, so just keep it simple when you start.
3 years ago by GeeFee
I also started alphas just this week and I would recommend a pattern that has no color switch at the edges. In the beginning it might make your edges bumpy. Start e.g. with a small square and maybe just 2 or 3 colors, you might use it as a keychain for example
Bracelet King
3 years ago by senor
id say something with 3 colors bc then u get used to working w maybe a 1-1-1 color switch which is really important when u want to start doing more complicated alphas. and i agree, try to find one without color switches on the edges
Bracelet King
3 years ago by Deuken
Bracelet King
3 years ago by stasia
any text alpha. @_kinseyb has a AMAZING video on YouTube on how to make an alpha with text. it goes in depth and I think it is such a great and easy-to-understand tutorial. hope this helps! ❤️
3 years ago by Idefixbook
I am trying to make my first alpha and it is so hard to do it. The instructions won't fit in the page and it says something about it being 50 LINES 🤯 😭 . I am doing this for school and it has to be done by at least January 10. Can you please help me?