Friendship Bracelet Wristlet Closure
3 years, 3 months ago by B_Guard01
Hello! I’m new-ish to Bracelet Book, but not new to knotting. I recently got back into knotting and have been so pleasantly surprised at how much the friendship bracelet community is thriving. And now for the question 🙂 I have been wanting to work on making a friendship bracelet wristlet, but I’ve been at a loss for how to enclose/end it. I’ve seen some macrame and some parachord wristlets floating around the internet, but not so much in the style of traditional friendship bracelets and I haven’t been able to come up with a way to secure the other end (the initial is secured to the keychain end with larkshead knots like any other keychain), to make it into a true wristlet. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to close the other end? Sew it? Square knots? I’d be more than grateful for any and all suggestions. Thanks in advance and looking forward to being a little more active on the website 🙂 |
3 years, 3 months ago by halokiwi
I had to look up what wristlets are but would something like crimp ends work? I've never worked with crimp ends but I think they might work if you just crimp both ends in the same closure.I think sewing the ends together is also a good idea. If you don't want the parts to be too visible where you have sewn maybe you could make some sort of sheath for where the ends come together out of leather or some kind of fabric. |
3 years, 3 months ago by B_Guard01
Great thought! I might have to experiment a bit, but I think either option you mentioned is a possibility. If using crimp ends, as long as I could fit both ends of the wristlet into the crimp end to close it off, and then attach to a key ring, I think that could work rather well, and give it a classy finish. I just need to find some bigger crimp ends than what I currently have!
3 years, 3 months ago by eUpHoNiUm7
where would you get some sort of crimping thing for a bracelet? for me the bracelets that I make always seem to be falling off after a week or so. what sort of ending knot would you recommend for doing that? 😇
3 years, 2 months ago by B_Guard01
I think they are just called crimp ends - I found them on Amazon, but I’m sure any craft store would have them in their jewelry making section! MarshaKnots has a tutorial on how to use crimp ends and I believe she has an Amazon link for the pack that she uses.
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by DBLDRM
I would love to see what you come up with! I am going to add you as a friend to try to keep an eye on any photos you might upload, if you don’t mind!
3 years, 2 months ago by B_Guard01
Not at all! Just saw the friend request - so I am working on one right now…they take a long time to make because you have to make them so long! For the ends on this one, I am going to use a macrame method to close it off after finding several tutorials on YouTube tutorials, but I’ve come across a few other ways to make them as well so I’m going to experiment with each method eventually and see what really works best 🙂
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Chelszzz
I know that this was posted 2 years ago but was wondering what you ended up doing for your wristlets? I saw your pictures and love how clean they came out. Looking to make my friend one soon so would love some advice. Thank you so much!
1 year ago by B_Guard01
@Chelszzz no problem! I’m happy to help. I’ve experimented quite a bit with my wristlet set up/finish (after watching and picking up little things from others) and have finally landed on a method I like the best. In my opinion, this will give the cleanest finish and works really well. I’ll do my best to outline the steps here…hopefully it makes sense but if you have any questions please feel free to message me!1. Cut each string you’ll need for the pattern at double the length - this will be used to create each half of the pattern. I find for wristlets that patterns of 14-16 strings in width tend to work best. 2. Fold your strings in half and attach to your keychain with a larks head knot just like you would for any keychain. 3. Separate out half of the strings (this is the part that can take some time and patience), tuck them out of the way and secure your work. 4. Knot your pattern using one half of the strings to the desired length and leave several inches of string at the end. Then turn it over and knot the pattern again using the other half of the strings to the same length. 5. When finished knotting, match the two ends up with the insides facing out. Match up the strings and either tie them together directly OR knot a couple of alpha rows over top. I find that knotting the alpha rows produces a more secure, cleaner finish. 6. Then just trim up your ends, seal with clear nail polish or craft glue and turn right side out once dry. Hope that helps! |
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Chelszzz
@B_Guard01 Thank you so so much! I truly appreciate your help. I'll try this soon! ☺️