Alpha Problems
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Emakes
Hey! I've been having some problems with making alphas. I used the straight edges and flat alpha technique when I had these problems. Leave any tips or suggestions you have below please! Thanks you!1. My first problem is that my alphas start wider at the top and then get narrower as I go on. I think this has to do with my knot tension so if you have any tips on keeping knot tension the same let me know! 2. My second problem is when I do a color change with the flat alpha technique I always have some of the old color showing through. Explanation: I make the first half of the knot with my new color, lay the old color across, and make the second half of the knot with the new color. Then I place the old color out, behind the bracelet and make my next knot with the new color. However after I make that next knot I find I have some of the old color popping out in between the two knots. I don't know how to stop this from happening so if you have any ideas let me know. Thank you! |
3 years, 4 months ago by halokiwi
1) I think a general recommendation for alphas is to not make the knots too tight. I think consistent tightness will come with practice.Make sure that you are not pulling the loose leading strings in the back too tight. If they pull on the bracelet, that can lead to the bracelet curving and getting thinner. You can also cut the loose leading strings in the back after finishing the bracelet to help with that. 2) I would try pulling on the old leading string a bit. In my experience that stops it from poking through. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Emakes
@halokiwi Thank you!