Still not straight using straight edges
3 years, 5 months ago by whalechunk
when i make alphas sometimes the edges are really not straight and i use straight edges and flat alpha
3 years, 5 months ago by halokiwi
There are various other things that can influence how straight your edges are.Try to make your knots as consistent as possible. They should all have the same tightness. Making them looser rather than tighter can help too. All your leading strings should have the same thickness. Ideally use only strings from the same brand to make sure of that but you can also use strings from different brands. Pulling the loose leading strings in the back too tight can lead to the bracelet curving. If that is the case, you can cut the loose strings in the back to release tension. Sometimes people forget that they need to do two bf or fb knots right after each other because both the first and the last knot of each row gets replaced. Try to not pull the bracelet to the side too much while knotting. |