Starting alphas with a loop
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Pacia
hi, ive made a couple alphas and everytime after making a loop i get a sudden bracelet block. its caused by the fact that making the beggining of alphas that ive started with a loop is incredebly hard for me. i use a clipboard, and the loop is short, so i dont have enough place to tighten the knots without the metal thing blocking my fingers. ive also tried taping the loop down, but even with a strong tape, it keeps moving and making a mess. also, connecting the two sides of a loop is pretty hard and takes a lot of tries to make it look decent

anyone have any solutions for securing the loop and/or getting motivation? thanks ❤️
3 years, 5 months ago by halokiwi
You can make a knot with all the base strings so that it is easier to clip them down because the knot won't slip through that way. You just undo that knot once you are done.

For getting the connecting knot right, I recommend to clip the loop down in a way so that both sides are very close together.

What I do to connect both halves of a loop is to do a or two around all the strings. I usually do that in normals at the beginning or end of triangle ends but it should work for alphas too.
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Pacia
@halokiwi tysm <3