Going backwards
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by sampuv00
So Ive been making bracelets for about a year. Maybe a little longer. In the last few months my normals have really come a long way. They're definitely not perfect, but I've been proud of the way they turned out. Well I had to take about a month off of bracelets because of some personal and health reasons and when I went back to make my first bracelet it is so bad. I feel like im going backwards trying to make bracelets like after a month I got worse some how. I haven't been able to shake it these last couple of days and I don't know what to do. My normals weren't perfect to begin with but now it seem i can't make any good knots im making a pattern with just diamonds and my lines are all wonky and weird. Any advice? Its making me crazy and making me doubt my craft...
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by lucass_
try maybe an easier bracelet that is real difficult to screw up. like a chevron and then work back up from there.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by sampuv00
that's not a bad idea. I just feel stupid having to work on something so simple when I was doing so well before but I think you might have a good point.
3 years, 8 months ago by Margaron
Whenever I take a break from bracelets I generally come back with a couple of classic chevrons to start. I've been knotting for about 18 years now and I still kick it off with a chevron every time I come back. When in doubt chevron it out should be my motto. 😄 So, don't feel silly or defeated about going back to basics! Those patterns are basics for a reason and it's because they're the foundation of the craft. If the foundation is cracked and crumbling - the house can't stand on top of it. 😉
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by sampuv00
wow @Margaron that's really reassuring to know that you've been doing them so long and still go back to chevrons once and while too. I do feel silly and defeated for having to work backwards. Its just like all of the sudden Im a total beginner again and I can't make a single decent knot! But I really appreciate your insight and advice. I will definitely go chevron it out!
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by e_
i always take breaks from bracelets, and i always recommend to try and make a bracelet that you’ve made a ton of before, or just a simple bracelet! you might feel more creative afterwards and feel more adventurous to try bigger things 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by hellooooo
That happens to me too, try knot (tehe) to bet yourself up about it. Practice. Its the same with an hobby/sport. Dont compare your bracelets to anyone else's. Keep practicing and you'll get there. You got it .❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by stewon6969
I went through this same thing! I suggest that you basically start over with your normals. Like start with the candystripe and chevron and then you can work your way up~
Hope that this helps you become better at normals again!
Happy Knotting! ❤️