Does anyone else's alphas do this? And tips to help
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by sandykc_8
My alphas look like the pattern but stretched, could anyone give me tips on how to make them not stretch?
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by aiden707
That usually happens to most alphas. One way is to tie your knots a little looser and push the entire row up slightly with a ruler's edge once it's done. That usually works for me. The tighter the knots, the longer they will be. If they are a bit looser, they will be closer in height and width 😊
3 years, 8 months ago by halokiwi
You can also experiment with the thickness of your basestrings or even double the base strings. That should also help.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by graceb2707
When you loosen your knows their more able to be manipulated, so you can push the row up with a ruler and the knows will be more square, if that makes sense 🙃 the proportions are still the same in the design, so most of the time a little longated it's a problem (at least for me lol). If it's really annoying for you, you can try out cross stitch, which is basically pixel art 🤷
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by beatlesall
I also do this ruler thing. I also recognized that not all embroidery threads have the same thickness or produce same thick knots. I bought a thread on amazon, one at a local store and some crochet yarn also local. So the amazon thread make knots with a little more height than width. I think it is woven tighter (I speculate because it's polyester) as the one I bought local (100% cotton). This one is a little bit thicker and produces longer knots. The crochet yarn makes nearly "square" knots but is a tiny bit thinner than normal embroidery thread.

To sum this up, I would say the ruler thing described by others works wonders and also trying around with different brands would help get your desired result.