the “side string” of the flat alpha technique
3 years, 9 months ago by kakakookoo
So when you do a color change, your previously used color goes on the side underneath everything. I think. But I can’t help but feel like I’m doing something wrong because it’s just really annoying to work with. Like, when I try to tighten the knot, that side string pokes through and then I have to yank it again to get the wrong color to go away. I’ve tried doing looser knots but that just makes the problem worse because then everything just falls apart.

Am I supposed to like, leave that side string somewhere else? Should I tape it down? Am I doing something wrong?
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by lucass_
sometimes it will just poke out. and if you’re like “yankin” it don’t pull too hard. i sometimes put it off to the side like the opposite way it’s going. so if the leading string was goin toward the right, then i’ll put it behind and kinda pull it to the left.
3 years, 9 months ago by halokiwi
Pull lightly on the string of the old colour and most of the times it won't be as visible afterwards.

The flat alpha technique takes some time to get right but it's totally worth it. It also helps to not knot too tightly.