Holes in Bracelets?
5 years, 7 months ago by luvdisney
I don’t know if anyone goes on this app anymore but I’ve been thinking of making an Etsy shop but the problem is that my bracelets (mostly normal ones) have holes in them and they don’t look professional enough to sell. Is there a way to fix this? I thought I was tying all of the knots with the same amount of pressure, but maybe I’m not. Also, sometimes on normal patterns if I tighten a knot, the 2 colors switch and the string that I tied the knot on top of (not the one I actually tied the knot with) becomes the knot that shows and it messes up the look of the bracelet. Can anyone help me with these issues? Any help is appreciated. Also if you have any tips on how I should go about starting an Etsy shop let me know! Thanks!!!
5 years, 7 months ago by Margaron
As far as the holes go I notice that I get them if I tie too tight or if my knots aren’t centred but mostly it’s difficult to say for sure what is causing it. If your two colours are switching then you’re likely tying too tight which is also causing the first problem OR you aren’t holding your base strings tight enough, causing the colour to pop through.
5 years, 7 months ago by lkop18
when there’s holes that means there’s inconsistencies within the knots. make sure all of them are tied the same and that all are nice and tight. if some are looser/tighter than others then there will be holes. it all will get better with practice 🙂
5 years, 6 months ago by hjowens
Make sure to pull your string taut and at an angle, I learned this when I first started and it really helped!
Bracelet King
5 years, 6 months ago by junes2268
5 years, 6 months ago by winni
Make sure you are pulling your knots tight enough, and make sure your knots aren’t irregular
5 years, 5 months ago by biancak
For the color flipping- it happens to me all the time and it’s super easy to fix just tug on the color that it flipped to and it’ll flip back