"Easel" for securing bracelets in a more upright position? My neck is killing me!
4 years ago by WhyKn07
I have really bad neck and back issues, and while I can tie normal bracelets by hanging them from the back of a chair so that I can sit upright, I find I need a somewhat flat surface for alphas or my strings get all jumbled up. Problem is, hunching over a bracelet flat on the table all day really messes up my neck and back and is just not feasible. Does anyone recommend some kind of easel, platform, or other work surface that can elevate my bracelet while I work, maybe at an angle instead of totally flat? I love making bracelets, but I'm afraid I'll have to stop if I can't figure out a way to adjust my workspace. 😭
Bracelet King
4 years ago by oceanknot
Personally, I’ve never tried this, but I know that you can use a bed tray, which would be a lot more comfortable because you can sit on your bed. What I like to do though is rest my back on a pillow and knot on clipboard that rests on my knees.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by crafter83
I put my feet on my chair so my knees are up and then tape my bracelet there.
My back hurts often, but I never had a problem knotting this way.
4 years ago by madeleine_
You can use a clipboard and sort of rest the bottom of it on your lap, then rest the back of it on the table. You can also sit on your bed and put the clipboard on a pillow in a way that makes it tilted