pattern off center
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Nautilus
I am making a bracelet like those alpha and normal pattern combinations where you are doing a normal pattern but do an alpha in the middle. So like the straps/arms of the bracelet are normal and in the middle is a segment from an alpha pattern. I already tied a knot and did a braid for the beginning end, and I've already done the normal part going from there and the whole alpha part, and resumed the normal pattern again. I thought I was being careful with measuring it so that the alpha would be centered, but right now it will be really uneven, 2 repetitions on one side and I'm estimating 5 repetitions for the remaining side, so the design won't be centered, and might look awkward when I wear it. Sorry for the long explanation, since I can't post a picture here I just wanted to make sure that I clearly described the situation. Now my question is, should I just finish the bracelet and leave it uneven as it, or should I try and untie the knot and undo the braid on the starting end, adding more string and more of the normal to that side so it is balanced? I tie my starting knots pretty tight so idek if I'd be able to untie it, and if I do, I guess I'd have to try and do the pattern backwards or something? I asked my mom and she didn't think it mattered that it's off center, and tbh I can't decide myself so I'm asking what other people thing would be the best option
Thank You! 💜
Bracelet King
4 years ago by BlackOpal
If you want to keep it centered you could always find another use for it like a book mark. but in the end its up to you. 😄
Bracelet King
4 years ago by oceanknot
I think you should just keep it off center. There’s a chance that you could ruin your bracelet while undoing it and the amount of effort it would take you probably wouldn’t be worth it because you could just make another bracelet if you’re not satisfied with the first one.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Nautilus
Thanks for your feedback guys! Yeah it probably would be hard to undo what I've done already and I wouldn't want to risk ruining it, so I'll leave it as is. Well, not always going to get something just right the first time, but now I've learned what I should do for when I make me next one for it to turn out better 😊