Wonky diamonds in normals
4 years, 1 month ago by jenhorne_
I was wondering if there is a specific way to knot diamonds in a normal pattern? Pretty much every time I do it they always end up really wonky as the strings often end up so far apart from each other so I have to pull really hard to make a knot, making the whole bracelet lop sided. Hope this makes senseI was doing pattern #55120 for reference |
4 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
If you make lots of knots in one direction the bracelet will always have a tendency to slightly curve onto that direction. You can minimise that by paying attention that you don't pull the bracelet to either side while knotting. Try to pull the bracelet straight down.
4 years, 1 month ago by jenhorne_
Ahh ok will give that a try. Thank you! 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by sodapop
I think the key is to have very consistent knot tension, and not necessarily too tight. If anything, make only the first half of the knot fairly snug, and the second part rather loose. The first half decides where the knot will end up, so if there's space between where the strings cross, that space will stay there no matter how tight you make the next half. And once your spacing gets off track, wonkiness just happens! And if the knot is looser, it looks fuller and "fluffier" so it helps cover up inconsistencies that might happen. For me, segment knotting is the only way I can keep nice uniform knots. I can understand the pattern and knot in diagonal rows so much easier. If I knot straight across (in normals), the knots never seem to line up right for me, I don't know why. And for the main problem -making diamonds- the outside point of the diamond will always have a tendency to "round outwards" somewhat... while the inside triangle part will indent inwards. I'm discovering that making looser knots is helpful because that meandering tendancy can be camouflaged. With flexible knots, you can manipulate the bracelet every so often, stretch it out slightly at the sides then downward to help the knots settle into place, and flatten out the pattern as you work. Using the straight-edge technique can help as well, video tutorial on #23211 😊 |
4 years, 1 month ago by jenhorne_
@sodapop thanks so much for this detailed response! It’s very frustrating because I love patterns which include diamonds but I never know if they are going to turn out looking nice or looking wonky 😫 I've been using the straight edge technique on the current pattern I’m doing which is essentially the half diamond part of the bracelet and that part is fine it’s just the middle diamonds that I’m really struggling with. I’ve done a couple diamonds with looser knots and pulling the knots that decided to curve inwards with my nail which seems to make a bit of a difference. I’m thinking if I keep this method consistent it might improve them