Alize Forever Yarns.
4 years, 1 month ago by LunaHorse
How many use the Alize forever Yarn, for making brackets? How have you found it and can someone put a pic of it against regular  embroidery floss so that I can  compare them in size please. I am wanting to buy the yarn but it’s expensive due to postage costs and it’s coming the Ukraine or Turkey. Thanks.

Also the Alize forever simli yarn ?
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by zoeyllm
Yes, you can use it in bracelets. I think @Racoon, Masha Knots does this a lot.
4 years, 1 month ago by LunaHorse
That’s why I asked on here because I know that she’s uses it , just wanted to know others thoughts on the yarn as well. as it was cost be about £67 GBP for 37 skeins ( balls ) of it.
4 years, 1 month ago by jenhorne_
Hey! I’ve recently moved to Alize forever yarn and I love it so much!! It’s so soft and it makes my bracelets look really neat as well as the colours being nice and bold. The only downside is that it’s really thin (about half the size of a strand of embroidery floss) so it takes a bit longer to complete the bracelet as the knots are a lot smaller but it’s so worth it in my opinion. It also works out to be a cheaper option as you get 300 metres in a ball and due to it being thinner you don’t have to use as much yarn so that’s more likely to last you a really long time ☺️ If you have any more questions feel free to ask!
4 years, 1 month ago by LunaHorse
@jenhorne_ thanks, i thought the alize forever yarn was slightly thicker than embroidery floss. From what i saw on masha knots it looks about the same size. I am trying to find pics of the threads laying next to each other but having no luck. i don’t want to buy it and not like or get on with it. How thin is the yarn in size ?
4 years, 1 month ago by jenhorne_
I thought the same that it would be thicker. I believe Alize Diva is the same thickness as embroidery floss so if you’re looking for something thicker to use then maybe look at using that. bonbon_bracelets on Instagram did a post on the differences between the two and she uses diva but I guess it’s all personal preference. The Alize forever is exactly 1mm thick
4 years, 1 month ago by LunaHorse
What thickness is standard embroidery floss? It’s getting mixed reviews is the alize forever yarn. Az_claire on instagram uses it a lot for all bracelets that she makes.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by bluedog123
@LunaHorse you could try using 2 strands of Alize Forever or the Forever Simli instead of 1 if it gets too thing for you. Forever and Forever Simli have about the same thickness as other craft cord type twisted threads so the thinness isn’t too foreign. Once you get used to using it it’s really easy. I have 20 colors of the Simli and LOVE IT, they’re gorgeous. I would totally recommend getting it! Also if you have Instagram you can find more users and sellers of the thread.
4 years ago by LunaHorse
@bluedog123 I’ve decided against getting the Alize Yarns for now, as it works out to expensive due to extortionate postage costs. And can’t find anyone in the U.K who sells it. Even with buying a few balls the postage is to high. So unless I can find a seller in the U.K I won’t be able to get it. How would I find sellers on Instagram tho?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by bluedog123
@LunaHorse amilyarns sells them on her Etsy. You can always also ask the bracelet makers that use the thread where they buy their Alize from!! Since it’s a Turkish brand it’s mostly sold from websites or people who have access to them buy them in bulk and sell on their own.
4 years ago by hiimmax
my sister uses it and it looks cool
4 years ago by LunaHorse
In time I will try the Alize Yarn but will have to wait for now due to postage costs. And not being able to find anyone in the U.K that sells it. I’ve found some other yarn that I am liking working with for now.
4 years ago by knot2339
It’s not a whole lot bigger just I don’t recommend mixing it with a different brand it could come out wonky