alphas—colored bumps at the edge
4 years, 2 months ago by 63729jfnvk
Hey!So I use the neat/straight alpha technic from Masha Knots,but when theres a colored knot and then a background colored knot,I have a bump of the colored knot on the edge,because it stands out.What can I do about that?I hope you understand what I mean,it’s really difficult to explain.An answer would really help me,I wanna start on my next keychain.😓🤔
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Knots_EM
Are you asking what to do if you have a colour switch at the edge when using the flat alpha technique? Alex's innovations has a video on how the flat alpha technique and it includes how to do a colour switch on the edge. You basically take the string you were using (let's call this A), lay it across the bracelet so it faces the way you are knotting, pull up the new colour in-between (B) the two edge strings so it lays vertically on top of string A, then take A and fold it over to the opposite direction, then make your new knot with B. This probably doesn't make a lot of sense, Alex explains it a lot better inthe video. This is the video link -
4 years, 2 months ago by 63729jfnvk
Thanks!You saved me.And you’re way better in explaining than me.😃