How tight should I be tying my knots?
4 years ago by Eliseg
I want to know how tight I should be tying my knots because i feel like im doing it incorrectly
Bracelet King
4 years ago by ajr725
Honestly, it’s mostly down to personal preference. If you like your bracelets to be more stiff and less bendy, than you should tie your knots on the tighter side. If you like you bracelets more loose and floppy than tie your knots on the looser side.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by ajr725
If your bracelet is falling apart or there are gaps in it you might need to tie you knots tighter. Also, I find loosening your knots slightly if you tend to make tighter knots can help make your alpha bracelets look more neat. Hope this helps!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Origami
I make my knots pretty loose, but not enough that I can see holes between knots. I suggest to make relatively loose knots as they will improve your alphas. making looser knots also means that you have to knot less. Making loose knots can also be easier for you to make, since there will be less pressure on your hands. All in all, it really is up to you! 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by stormii
Like everyone else said, it depends on your personal preference! If you can see holes in your bracelet, just try to make your knots a little tighter. I personally make my knots pretty tight because I like stiff bracelets, but not everyone does. I haven't made any alphas yet, but people say with alpha patterns the knots need to be a little looser. 😊
Bracelet King
4 years ago by jadeflwr13
i don’t like my bracelets to be very flexible and tie my knots tightly so they fit my preference. depending on what you prefer you may find that you want the bracelets to be more or less flexible, it just takes practice to be able to sort of fine-tune your knots to get them perfect. i think many knotters just follow the general rule that there shouldn’t be any holes in the bracelet, and that it shouldn’t look stretched out c:
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by AJsHere
for normals it doesn't really matter, though I like them pretty tight, but for alphas, the tightness can really effect the bracelet, so it takes some trial and error to find the perfect amount.
3 years, 12 months ago by garciazamb
Too tighly can make it stiff but many people have different preferences!! You can just try a bracelet with just you doing knots without thinking on how tight or loose you are doing them. You can then see if you want to make them looser or tighter. Hope this helps!!
3 years, 12 months ago by PandaParty
I think it really depends. The tighter you tie your knots, the littler and stiffer the bracelet becomes. The looser, the bigger and bendier the bracelet becomes. If you are trying to make a bracelet look SUPER clean, then I would recommend sticking to the knot size you are comfortable with, because if you tie different sized knots, it may look inconsistent
3 years, 11 months ago by amour
but i tie my knots relatively tight alright and they do become floppy? am i doing something wrong, i just want my bracelets to be hard not floppy :/
3 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
@amour if you wear a bracelet a lot it will always get softer at some point so don't worry about that. It's a natural development.
Another factor that plays into this is the material you are using.

How stiff a bracelet is does not only depend on how tight the individual knots are but also how close the knots are together. I think most people also refer to the closeness of the knots when they talk about tightness. The closer the knots are together and the tighter the individual knots are tied the stiffer the bracelet is.
3 years, 11 months ago by thread3
For alphas don’t make them tight it will like fold and normal don’t do the super tight but not really loose eighther
3 years, 9 months ago by amour
@halokiwi i don't really know what i'm doing wrong, like when i normally make them, its too tight. then when i try to looses up, its too loose. and then there's little bumps sticking out and etc.