Making looser knots?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Deer-Teeth
I know this is a very common question but I went through a few pages on the different forums and I couldn't find one surprisingly?

How do I make my knots looser on an alpha?? My bracelets are super tight, like they bend unnaturally with how they're done. It's okay for when I wear them, I know they'll last longer that way, but I tried to make someone a bracelet and realized that it was so stiff that they wouldn't like it.

I'm very paranoid that if i don't make the knot's tight enough it's gonna unravel on me and will make the bracelet uneven or overall make the quality go down, but I really wanna make one I think they'll like. Any tips??
Bracelet King
4 years ago by mintcookie
As long as the knots are tight enough so you don’t have holes in the bracelet, there shouldn’t be unravelling. As for knot tension, it’s a type of thing that comes with practice. I tie my knots on the tighter side and have also been trying to loosen them up. The only thing I can tell you is that you have to sort of eyeball it, making sure that the first half of the knot is close enough to the previous one so there won’t be holes, but not unnecessarily tight ❤️
4 years ago by knottahti
if you are worried about making your knots "too loose" i recommend focusing on loosening the second half of the knot rather than the first. the first half of your knot needs to be secure so that the rows stay consistent etc. but the second half is more "for looks" if that makes sense. it definitely takes some practice but it is sooo worth it!!!
4 years ago by halokiwi
Keep in mind that the first half of the knot determines its placement and the second half secures it in place. I think the knot placement is responsible for how bendy or stiff a bracelet is in general.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Deer-Teeth
@mintcookie @knottahti @halokiwi so from what I understand, the first part of the knot determines how tight the bracelet is, and the second one just secures it. So if I were to keep the knot's further away from each other (by row), but keep them close enough that my base strings don't show, It should help make the bracelet looser?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by amwatson
The first half of the knot determines the placement of where the knot will be so you can make that as tight of loose as you need it’s the second half of the knot that determines the tightness but I would recommend making both halves of the knot the same tightness. Also I noticed that with craft cord you need to make your knots tighter for neater bracelets but with embroidery floss you can make them a little looser. Just try to find a tension that is comfortable for you and that you’re happy with the results, that can take some practice but it’s worth it in my opinion
4 years ago by halokiwi
To answer your question I'd say yes 😄
4 years ago by knottahti
i would still try to keep your knots close together with the first half actually... the first half secures the knot in place, so it needs to be tight to hold the bracelet together. the second half is where you want to make it looser, in my opinion.
4 years ago by knottahti
but honestly, it really varies person to person, so you probably need to play around with it and see what works best for you! i like adjusting the second half, some people like adjusting the first half (like @halokiwi does if i read that correctly) it’s really more about personal preference than “correctness” 😊