Alphas from buckles
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by olliepig
I've seen pictures where people have started their alpha bracelets from buckles. I've tried to do it once and couldn't figure it out. Any advice?😄
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by greenbean1
@olliepig, I actually saw a tutorial on how to add buckles to bracelets. it is in the tutorial section on this site/app. does this help?
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by olliepig
Yes, that tutorial has helped me a lot with making normal bracelets from buckles. But, it doesn't explain how to do alphas from buckles. Thanks so much though!🙂
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by greenbean1
@olliepig, even if it does use normal patterns you could still try it with alphas! 🙂 go ahead and experiment! ;D
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by Robin99
How I would do it (and sorry if this doesn't make sense) instead of tying it on as seen in the tutorial, I would take my base strings make them twice the length they need to be (so I can fold them in half) then fold it in half and slip the folded end through the buckle. The sting will leave a little loop where you put it through the buckle and pull the rest of the string through the loop. This will tighten the string to the buckle. Then take the string your using as your main string and either tie it loosely to the buckle and begin tying or tape it to your clipboard and begin using it. That way once you have enough rows, you can trim this string close to the bracelet and it won't need to be tied to the buckle.
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by olliepig
@Robin99 So I would make the buckle with all my base strings in it so that once the buckle is finished the strings will be coming out both ends. Then I take those strings and fold them in half. Am I correct so far? 🙂
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by Robin99
Not exactly. You fold them in half at the beginning. And if you need (for example) 12 base strings you would get 6 long ones and fold those in half around the buckle (to attach it) to make 12 normal size strings total. And to end it you would just tie it to the other part of the buckle and glue it down.
9 years, 2 months ago by lovestarr
I've done it combining the turorial for normals and then add my working string with the multicolored alpha method. I learned the multicolored method from a girl on youtube named BeyondBracelets. Hope this helped!