alpha knots question
4 years ago by H2Oclimber
so i’ve been making alphas for awhile now but i can’t seem to figure out how to keep my knots from tilting to the side. i’ve seen peoples knots look more “square” and i was wondering if anyone had some tips for this?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by uke_girl
are all of your knots the same size? if they are not try only using thread from the same brand for the leading string (it doesn't matter as much for the base strings) because it is really important that all of your knots are the same size in alphas or it will come out tilted. if that isn't your problem maybe you could try playing around with the knot tension an see if that helps.
4 years ago by halokiwi
Hi, I'd experiment with knot tension and with the angle you're pulling your leading string in.