Bracelet Speed
Bracelet King
12 years, 3 months ago by WovenKitty
Hey guys! I've just been sitting here working on the alpha for the weekly challenge, but I realized that I hadn't gotten much done. Does anyone else have bracelet making speed issues? What kind??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
12 years, 2 months ago by litlegirl7
I take forever to make one! ugh...
Bracelet King
12 years, 2 months ago by FTCN97
I'm not really quick too, it takes me days to finish one bracelet 😛
Bracelet King
12 years, 2 months ago by WovenKitty
I'm making the block zig zag bracelet right now, and it's a lot easier... it goes way way WAY faster than the others...😄
Bracelet King
12 years, 2 months ago by FTCN97
which one? the one from the tutorial?
Bracelet King
12 years, 2 months ago by WovenKitty
Bracelet King
12 years, 2 months ago by FTCN97
The chinese chair case is also a really quick one 🙂
Bracelet King
12 years, 2 months ago by milbug
The way I finish bracelets faster than normal is to sit down and do it in a distraction free area. It really helps it used to take me a week to do the simplest of alphas, but now I can do them in a few hours.
Bracelet King
12 years, 1 month ago by hi_123
I suggest doing bracelets in a clutter free area AND also it should be a quiet area so you can foucus on the bracelets :[
12 years, 1 month ago by szrene99
it depends on the person really, I can finish a normal pattern in a couple hours on a good day... but the alpha I'm working on right now is 600 knots long, and is taking forever
Bracelet King
12 years ago by hockeymegs
normals take me longer tan alphas because of the variation of knots o.o I can do a 17 X 100 alpha in one day, but it takes me like three to do a 10 strand normal. I've also gotten really quick at simple 7 width name alphas - i can do one in 45 minutes (:
Bracelet King
12 years ago by WovenKitty
Normals used to really bug me. It would take me weeks to finish one and I would get bored 😛. Since then, I've learned "the shortcut" to tying normals faster. It's explained in my tutorial "Knotting in Sections" but the method can be a little bit complicated so you can message me if you have any questions. It really is faster and a lot more fun.
Bracelet King
11 years, 12 months ago by yonnahali
My problem is, I just can't work on a bracelet for longer than 5 minutes. Then I just stop and do something else. And I've got about 25 (!) unfinished patterns, so I almost never really end a pattern so that's why I haven't uploaded a lot of pictures so far, I just have a lot of bracelets that are only started but never finished😭
Bracelet King
11 years, 12 months ago by Tikal
@yonnahali I have about 5 unfinished bracelets...I can work on one if I memorized the pattern for a while. 🙂
Bracelet King
11 years, 9 months ago by TrueFalse
It depends on the pattern , a normal one can take me 1-3 days and an alpha usually takes me about a week (:
Bracelet King
11 years, 9 months ago by Adik
I usually finish mine in a couple of hours along with a tutorial 😉
Bracelet King
11 years, 9 months ago by WovenKitty
Officially envious of Adik's bracelet skills 😉(you should add a "green with envy" emoticon 🙂) |
Bracelet King
11 years, 9 months ago by Adik
i think everyone is capable of making a bracelet in a couple of hours its just that everyone gets distracted 🙂
Bracelet King
11 years, 8 months ago by BookwormG
I'm like yonnahali in that I can't just focus on the bracelet and do it because I get bored too easily. I usually set up myself in front of a TV show and play it while I knot. I count how long it takes me to make a bracelet in how many episodes I watched. XD Patterns 9886, 9887 and 9888 took me about two hours to do each princess. Three in a moving car. 😉I work almost exclusively in alpha patterns and I find I can get through them pretty quickly but when I shift over to normals they seem to take me more time. Pattern #8032 took me ten hours to make. |
Bracelet King
11 years, 8 months ago by milbug
@yonnahali I am the same way!🙂