Flat Alpha Technique
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Roses_27
Hello, I’m currently making an alpha bracelet and I forgot the flat alpha technique skoandfjejsjjdn can someone explain this? I would go watch Marsha Knot’s video on it, but I don’t have headphones and I’m currently in a public building and there’s a class going on in another room. Thanks it would mean a lot as the deadline for this bracelet is midnight and I haven’t even started the design
4 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
-fold the old leading string up-make the first half of the knot with the new leading string -fold the old leading string over the base string and then behind the other base strings -make the second half of the knot with the new leading string, the old leading string should be sandwiched in the knot |