alternate alpha triangle ends
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by june412406
hi! i recently made a pattern without doing triangle ends on either side in an attempt to do the second version of alpha ends in this tutorial. (the one that uses the base strings to make the triangle ends) unfortunately i can’t seem to figure out how to do it. if anyone know how to please let me know! you can dm me on instagram @butterflybraceletco or here. |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by KikiLilou
@june412406So, as far as I understand it, you have to take the left outer string and bring it to the right over the other base strings. Then take the right outer string and bring it to the left. Then take the next base string on the right and make a knot like shown in picture 3 with it over the two other strings from the sides. (Maybe try taping the left string on the right side down and make the knot only with pulling the right string and the base string.) Repeat that with all the other base strings. At the end of the row pull the two side strings to get the loop out of it. Now take the two strings that you took in the first row and add the two outer base strings to it. Then proceed like you did in the first row just with two strings sticking out on each side. Next row take the two strings you took in the last row and add another base string to it. Then do the first steps again, making the knots with the rest of the base strings over the now six strings. Then just do the same over and over again until you run out of base strings. I hope this helps a little! If not, feel free to msg me again😊 |
4 years, 4 months ago by halokiwi
There are some videos on this kind of triangle end. I hope one of those will be helpful. I find watching a video often more helpful than an explanation without any visual input. In the first row of your triangle you make a knot onto two strings at once on the left and right edge, in the next row it's on 3 strings at once, than 4, then 5, until there are no more strings left to add to the left and right bundle. |