Following the Pattern
4 years, 3 months ago by kayak
I am so confused!! Am I supposed to follow it from left to right or find a triangle in the pattern and go from there? I usually do it left to right and it looks good but not like how any of y’all’s pictures look.

Also went not doing alpha how do y’all do the cool loop with all the strings? i’ve tried and it ends up all wonky and sad looking.

Please help! 😩😩
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by firstknots
You can follow patterns row by row, so doing the knots in order one by one left to right or you can try segment knotting. If you want to learn that there are several tutorials on yt but basically it's what you do when you make a chevron: you find a segment (line) in the patter that only makes knots with one string and do them togethere, without having to switch strings after every knot. These segments are always diagonal so when you segment knot you you have to make sure that you end up doing all of the knots, bit the order is not important (you can segment one side first and then the other, or you can do a segment on each side and keep the work simmetrical, or whatever works better for you)
4 years, 3 months ago by kayak
Oh I didn’t know it was called segment knotting! I’m gonna look that up thank you!! ❤️❤️