Alpha color switch at the end of a row when using the straight edges technique
4 years, 4 months ago by Mack5514
Does anyone know how to switch my colors in an alpha using the straight edges for alpha technique when the color of the next row doesn't line up with the color of the previous row?
4 years, 4 months ago by jessyka13
switch it as if you’re not using the straight alpha technique! basically just switch the strings you’re working with, and kinda tuck the one you previously used behind. hope this helps 🙂
4 years, 4 months ago by madeleine_
Make sure you’re tying two fb/bf knots on each edge (fb knots on the right edges, bf knots on the left edges). As an example, if you’re knotting a row of forward knots and the last knot of the row is green, you should do an fb knot with the green string. If the first knot of the next row (the next knot you’re doing) is also green, make a second fb knot and then continue with your pattern. If the first knot of the next row was blue, you would move the green string out of the way and do an fb knot with the blue string, then continue with your pattern