When to add straight edge technique onto a normal pattern?
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by melina_s
Hi! So I know what the straight edge technique is, and how to add it with alpha and normal patterns, but my question today is focused on normals. I do know that you can add an extra string to a normal pattern to make is have a straight edge, but my question is, how do you know which pattern you should add the technique to? In other words, should I leave some patterns untouched (even if they don't have the straight edge technique)? I hope this makes sense, and i'm not even sure that it does lmao. Ok so for example, pattern #22103; should I bother adding the straight edge technique or will the pattern come out straight without it? Again, i'm not sure if i even understand my own question lmao. So sorry if I just made you more confused 🙈 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Someone_
You can apply the Straight Edges Technique to any Normal pattern. Personally, with the pattern you mentioned I wouldn't apply it, because it would come out straight anyway. But if you want to apply it for a piece of mind, you totally can.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by melina_s
@Someone_ ok thank you! one more thing, how did you know the pattern would come out straight? is it my looking at the pics? : )
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by emwhitt
I add the straight edge technique whenever it is mainly forward knots on one side of the pattern and mainly backwards knots on one side of the pattern. If youre still not sure, then looking at other's photos helps a lot! i wouldn't use it for this pattern in particular since there are already fb and bf knots on either end, which is what the straight edge technique does. Hope this helped 😊 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by melina_s
@emwhitt ohh ok! thank you!! ❤️
4 years, 4 months ago by jana_b
Masha explains this pretty well in her tutorial on how to do the straight edges technique, so I suggest watching that if you don't understand what I mean.To know whether your bracelet is going to have straight edges or not, you have to look at the pattern and check if it is equal or not. An equal pattern is a pattern that has the same knots on both the right and left sides, but they are inverted. Usually, if the pattern is equal, then it is going to have straight edges anyway. An example of an equal pattern is the Chevron pattern. It has the same knots on both sides except they're inverted. By inverted I mean F=B and FB=BF. If the pattern is not equal, like a candy stripe, using the straight edges technique will help the edges become straight rather than curving to one side or the other. Most patterns here on Bracelet Book and other websites are usually equal, so you don't really have to use the straight edges technique, but if you want to do it because you want to make sure that your edges come out straight, then go ahead! It will definitely not ruin your bracelet in any way. I hope this helped! If not, make sure to look at Masha's video to understand it better 🙂 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by melina_s
@jana_b thank you so much! this helped a lot!! ❤️
4 years, 4 months ago by jana_b
@melina_s no problem! 😄 😄