My images are always fat
10 years, 4 months ago by VirgoWhisk
Whenever I do an alpha pattern, whether it be actual letters or a picture of some kind, they always turn out fatter than the image shows. They're the right height, but they're wider than they should be. I assumed that's just how things go with these patterns, but I started working on pattern 817, the Kirby pattern, and in looking at the pictures that people have submitted, I see that there are several that are the right dimension. But mine is turning out more like the picture submitted by LeLionne and because he's so wide, he loses the definition and you can't tell that the sides are supposed to be his arms.

I'd love some help figuring out what I'm doing wrong, because it clearly can be done (as shown in the examples of the other pictures submitted for the pattern). I'm doing standard backwards or forwards knots, depending on which way my sting is going, and doing a double knot like you do on a normal bracelet. I feel like my knots are plenty tight, without being so tight that it warps the sides. I'm wondering if maybe I'm just supposed to single knot these? But that seems like the knots wouldn't hold very well.

Any suggestions on what I could do to help my Kirby (and all my other future patterns) lose the extra fat are very much appreciated. (And I don't think telling him to lay off the sweets is going to work 😄 )
Bracelet King
10 years, 4 months ago by Mermaid12
I don't get it.....what's wrong with the picture submitted by LeLionne? And yes, you are still supposed to do a double knot for alphas. Maybe you can try going through the alpha tutorial, make sure you're doing everything right, and then try again. If that still doesn't work, maybe the string you are using is thicker than normal?
10 years, 4 months ago by VirgoWhisk
There's nothing "wrong" with it, but if you look at the one LeLionne submitted compared to the other ones, her Kirby is wider than the other ones. I wasn't trying to be insulting of it, it's still cute! But the other ones are more round.

I'm using just normal embroidery thread, so I don't think it's thicker than other string.

I watched several tutorials when I was first starting out, but that was mostly to learn how to do it. Maybe now that I know the basics, I would benefit from more tutorials so that I can focus on the smaller details. Thanks for the suggestion.
Bracelet King
10 years, 4 months ago by TFK19
The only things I can think of are 1) the string you're using-- sometimes I find that when I use embroidery floss my bracelet gets messed up.. I found that craft thread sometimes works better (that may not be the case here, but I don't know). 2) are you tying with the "background stings"?? (Okay so what I call background strings are the ones that you're tying on to, the ones that stick out on the end of your bracelet that you use to tie it on your wrist) so anyway if you're using those strings to tie one of the colors, sometimes mine get screwed up (like my 2 colored alphas I used to use the background strings for one of the two colors,) so I would recommend only tying ON TO the background strings, not with them.
10 years, 4 months ago by VirgoWhisk
TFK - I think I understand what you're saying about the background string, and yes, I am tying with them to make the actual Kirby design. So, if I understand right, you're suggesting to do all alpha designs, even a two color, as if it were a multi-colored one? So, in the instance of the Kirby design, don't necessarily make the background strings the pink and darker pink, but bring those colors in only when using that color. (I have no idea if that made sense. It's so hard to explain tying knots without a visual!)
Bracelet King
10 years, 4 months ago by SBilbrey
It sounds like you're using the basic 2-colored method. Like TFK19 is saying, use the substitution method for your alphas. That will keep all of your knots going in the same direction, which helps keep your tension even. When you use the substitution method, you're able to push the knot up on base string and make sure it's sitting snuggly against all the other knots. I tie all of my alphas with the substitution methods because it solves almost ALL of the problems people have with alphas. You've got the basic idea with not NEEDING to use the pinks as your background strings. I like to buy the multipacks of the cheaper string (Iris is a brand that comes to mind, and Hobby Lobby sells a pack of 150 skeins!), and use the cheaper string as my base strings. Then I'll use a higher quality brand of string, like DMC, for the actual knots. String brand/quality CAN play a role in how a finished piece looks. But by doing it that way, I'm able to match my base strings to what is considered the "background color." Those are just a few things that helped me. I know I rambled on, but I hope it helps!
Bracelet King
10 years, 4 months ago by samiksha
Maybe your knots are loose
10 years, 4 months ago by VirgoWhisk
Sbilbrey - Thanks for the tip. I do like the idea of being able to match my base strings to my background color, because usually my base strings do show through. I'll have to practice the substitution method. I've been putting that one off until I got used to the basic 2 color method, but it sounds like I should have been practicing it all along.

Thanks for the advice everyone. You all are so helpful!
Bracelet King
10 years, 4 months ago by samiksha
Pleasure 🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 4 months ago by SBilbrey
No problem! And I totally did the exact same thing. I wanted to make sure I understood how to do alphas before I ever tried adding a third color. But it's actually quite easy once you start doing it. Just like anything, there's a bit of a learning curve when you first start out. Everybody has their own tips and tricks, and you'll develop your own after you start practicing. After awhile, you won't believe you did it any other way. If you ever have any questions, feel free to send me a private message!
Bracelet King
10 years, 2 months ago by KawaiiArt
Maybe it's the string you're using