just some suggestions...
Bracelet King
12 years, 7 months ago by Juliette
Hi🙂 I was thinking maybe it would be a good idea if u could post pictures to tutorials, comment on tutorials, comment on pictures and maybe have a page on the actual site where u can post tutorials. I think that tutorial generator would encourage more ppl o post tutorials and then there would be more on the site... just some sufgestions) |
Bracelet King
12 years, 7 months ago by Adik
Hi there, we talked about this a long time ago, and will do it in the future, but right now there is so many things that need to be done first 🙂
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by bazinga
*hi*maybe on the app you can add more features like the site to post patterns,look at your profile and others profiles and use icons(🙂🙁😉😄😛😘:[) thanks |
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by fairydust
ooo there's an app is it available for android too???
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by KotinKandy
Idk if theres an app fir android but ik that theres one for apple stuff. for the app I have a couple suggestions. 1) pattern generator 2) be able to view messages 3) when you get a message or if someone responds to you in chat or if you get a friend request that it notifies you 4) have a friend list 5) be able to edit your profile.* I don't have a computer so I use the app for what I can and use safari for messages and making patterns and such🙂🙂😄
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by fairydust
Oh ok well I guess I'll go hunting for that lol😄
12 years, 5 months ago by Admin
@bazinga We're planning to add all features we have on the website, but it will take some time 🙂KotinKandy: ^^ 🙂 We're also planning to make an app for android (and other mobile platforms). |