Make topics easier to find in the forum
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by awesome563
I think that having controls you can place in the overall forum or the individual topics. I was imagining it similar to the controls you use to find patterns, I was thinking that you could sort through the topics based on how many people have responded, the keywords the author has put, how old it is, and if I can type in a pattern number to see if there is already a topic on it.One example could be that I am creating a forum topic on a broken thread, I would first search keywords like "broken". If I couldn't find what I was looking for then I would create a new topic and everything would be the same except that I would have to enter at least 4 keywords and I would have an optional space to link it with a pattern. Another example could be that I want to help answer a topic, I would set the controls to up to 5 can respond in that topic, it was created in since 7/1/2020, and I would add "keychain" in the keywords. I found a topic about a person wanting to know a good keychain pattern, I would respond like normal then enter a pattern number in a dedicated box so when that pattern is searched it will be brought up. A final example could be that my knots are uneven so I would go on the forum and search "knots" "uneven", I would put that at least 5 people have responded. I would be able to quickly find an answer. (I also thought you could have it where topics could be organized by the highest to lowest amount of responses, the highest to lowest amount of people marked it as helpful (this could act similar to how loves work on patterns), and the date from oldest to youngest and youngest to oldest) sorry this is so long I just wanted to make sure I made my idea clear 🙂 😊 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by jesmc2129
A lot of people have suggested this, so it may already be on the Admin’s to-do list. Guess we’ll find out eventually lol 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by mrs_rausch
I couldn't agree more!!! It would be great to have a search function in the forums to be able to search keywords related to what you're trying to find.
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by nev_m_07
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by nev_m_07
I was literally just wishing this was a thing a few minutes ago when I was looking for a specific forum post. It would be easier for people who need help with something specific that way they can just search for it.
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by KoolKat22
I wish there was a search bar that you could use to search up a specific forum. (And if anyone knows, can they leave a link for the forum topic Helppp? Exact wording)