Idea to help with String Length
4 years, 9 months ago by nschuit
Have you ever considered having the program calculate a percentage or other form of measurement for each color on a pattern?I have yet to successfully look at a pattern and properly gauge which color is used most and therefore needs the longest string(s). I was wondering if it might be possible to have the bracelet/pattern/variety generator display a percentage for each color on a pattern. Does that make sense? I'm a newbie, but so far I've been able to work around the constant problem of one color running out before the others. It's just one of those things that drives me nuts and as long as I stare at a pattern I struggle to define which color is used most. I haven't gone so far as to do my own calculations of knots/strings/colors...yet. But that's one of those things that I can totally see myself spending an unfortunate amount of time attempting to calculate on my own. It would be amazing if something like that were built into the program. |
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by erincostaa
omg thats such a good ideaaaa
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by robyn_knot
It defo comes with practice- after you've made a pattern enough times you can loot at it and tell the length of strings you need for each colour. Also, it's possible to add in new string using the same method used when changing string in alpha's, so that helps a lot.But I think your suggestion is an AMAZING idea and defo something to suggest to @Admin !!! I've never heard anyone suggest anything like that before! |
4 years, 9 months ago by Margaron
I made a formula a number of years ago to figure out exact length. If I remember correctly it’s in the ‘other’ section of the forums in a thread on string length 🤔