Bad photos??
4 years, 9 months ago by Tikilishi
What might be reasons a photo might not be approved by moderators?

I'm sure certain factors, such as bad lighting or if it's blurry might be reasons, but what else?

If there are mistakes in the bracelet - not major ones, but maybe something minor like one wrong knot - is that a reason a photo won't go up?

Or what if I chose not to make triangle ends or loops, and decide to make one knot with a braid for the ends - is that a reason a photo might also not go up?

I just started actually knotting my first bracelet, so I want to make sure before I continue that when I post a photo of it finished that I do it correctly 🙂
4 years, 9 months ago by knottahti
photos are rarely declined for bracelet quality, just photo quality, or if it isn’t for the right pattern! you’ll be fine i’m sure!
4 years, 9 months ago by arf820
one of my photos was declined once for being i guess cropped too much? idk it was awhile ago. i tried to make a collage of three pictures of the same bracelet. generally though yes, you do need good enough lighting and you do need to be able to see the pattern in the bracelet for it to be accepted- it cannot be too blurry and it must be connected to the correct pattern. you also cannot submit two or more different photos for the same pattern unless it is clear you made two or more bracelets. you can do that by changing up the colors in your bracelets. there also cannot be anything inappropriate in the picture i would assume. and no your photo should be accepted if you make a knot with a braid for the ends, just as long as you meet that guidelines that there is good lighting, isn’t too blurry, is connected to the correct pattern, and is appropriate. hope that helps!
4 years, 9 months ago by Tikilishi
Thank you both very much! This is exactly the information I needed 😊 @knottahti @arf820

I didn't know how to do triangle ends when I started it, so it's just one knot at the beginning lol.
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by Knots_EM
I always do just a knot and a braid with no fancy endings so that won't be a reason why it was declined. I had a photo declined once because it was a name bracelet with my name and I had only taken a photo the first letter so I didn't have to share my name. Of course, I understand why the moderator declined it, because they thought the bracelet should of been longer, but at least the photo would be able to show other users what the letter would look like, should they want to do the pattern, and I wouldn't have to share my name
4 years, 9 months ago by arf820
np! and yeah it’s ok if you just have one knot at the beginning! the moderators don’t decline it only based on that🙂 a lot of my earlier photos have just a knot at the beginning since that was before i learned how to make triangle ends and teardrop loops
4 years, 9 months ago by Tikilishi
That makes a lot of sense! @Knots_EM

I'm glad to know that the single knot at the end is okay because that's what I was most concerned with 😅 lol.
That and the very beginning of the pattern near the knot looks a little squished, since it's not a triangle end or loop lol. It sounds like it should be okay though 😊 @arf820
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by awkgeeraaf
@Tikilishi There should be no boarders on the photo, no pattern ID#, the dimensions shouldn't be too small, the words (if you put any on the photo) should be small, no emojis/stickers on photos, not too blurry, the bracelet should be not too small/big on the photo. (so dont take the pic of the bracelet so far, or too close up) 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by allierae54
I have had a problem before where i edited a photo in snapchat and then exported it to my camera roll and it got declined bc there was a border on the top and bottom
4 years, 9 months ago by Tikilishi
Awesome info! 😊😊 @awkgeeraaf @allierae54