There should be rules for posting in the forum
4 years, 10 months ago by halokiwi
Recently there are lots of forum posts because there are lots of new members. I think it's great that this community is growing but I think there should be some rules for posting in the forum.

There's already the message on top that reads "If you'd like to ask a question, please check out the FAQ section first. It may already have an answer for you." I think many people don't even notice that message so I think it could be made bolder or there could be a box you need to tick.

I think there are some more rules that should/could be added to make forum posts more valuable. I think many people don't really think before they post or just post to level up which creates a lot of questions which makes it harder to answer all of them.

Here are my suggested rules:

▶ If you mention a video provide a link to it (maybe even a time stamp where the information can be found in the video). Don't just say "MashaKnots has a video on it" or something similar.

▶ Before posting a new question check if someone has asked a similar question. Maybe the answer is already there.

▶ Before posting an answer to a question check what others have answered because maybe someone has already answered that question.

▶ Use # in front of pattern numbers so that it's easier to find for website users.

▶ Tag the person you're replying to if it's not the original user who posted the thread. If it's not the original poster they won't get a notification otherwise.

▶ Write what your question is about in the title of your post. Imagine it a bit like the subject in an email.

▶ Be specific with your question. Include as many details as needed so people don't have to ask for clarification. Also add if you use the app or the website because they have some differences.

▶ Don't be rude. It won't make others answer faster. Use full sentences.

▶ Only answer if you think you know the answer. Don't make stuff up just to be able to answer.

What rules do you think should be added?
4 years, 10 months ago by arf820
i 100% agree!! i also think that this rule should be added: if you want to ask a question, create a new forum post or check to see if someone asked a similar question on a different forum. there are some forum posts where someone else asks a question that has nothing to do with the original question being asked and the original person may have not had their question answered yet. also i feel like these rules would be difficult to implement especially for people new to bracelet book. so it would be great if these rules would be shown where people can see it or be directed to it easily.
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by stacey_135
I also 100% agree because I found about 5 forums with the same questions all made within like 24hours
4 years, 9 months ago by knottahti
@halokiwi this is totally a great idea! i also agree with @stacey_135, there are so many repetitive questions, i feel like i see a new post about the same issue every day!!
4 years, 9 months ago by Tikilishi
This is a good idea! @halokiwi !

I also think it would be cool to have a search bar above the forum to filter through posts.

So for example, if somebody searches the sentence "undo knots" similarly to a Google search, the specific posts in the forum that include the phrase "undo knots" will pop up first.

Then this would hopefully slow down the number of similar posts and also make it easier for people to find the answer they're looking for 😁

However, I know next to nothing about web design, so I don't know how difficult making that would be 🙊🙈 I can imagine it's probably very difficult lol
4 years, 9 months ago by Tikilishi
Oh my - I feel like such a nimnu now 😅

Somebody already suggested a search bar a few posts beneath this one. 🤦‍♀️ oops!
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by BeadGirl16
Great post! I have one thing I would like to add. If you have something that needs moderator/admin attention, tag @Admin or some/all the mods.