how do you make a bracelet pattern???
2 months ago by Frnds4eva
sorry if h th is is a dumb question but are there any tutorials cause i know where to go to make it but how do you make it?? like the letters are confusing☹️
2 months ago by halokiwi
Is this about alphas or normals? Is there a specific part of the generator you don't understand? For normals I recommend playing around with interactive normal, for alphas with draw alpha. You don't need to understand the letters on the first page of the generator. In the normal pattern generator the letters represent the knot types f = forward b = backward fb = forward backward bf = backward forward 0 = left-out knot In the alpha pattern generator the letters represent the colour of the knot - = colour a b = colour b c = colour c and so on... In both the alpha and the normal generator patterns are written row by row. In the normal generator knots need to be separated by commas. But as I said, you don't need to understand that at first. Just experiment with interactive normal and draw alpha and see what happens. Oh and don't forget to click "save" before switching away from interactive normal or draw alpha. To submit the pattern, you need to be on the first page of the generator. Add your keywords, click the share rights button and submit. Here are a few links that might be useful when designing patterns |