done or created section
2 months, 2 weeks ago by graceloe
Is there a way you can put in asuggestion to have a new group! It would be cool to have a section like "to dos" but for "done" or "created" |
2 months, 2 weeks ago by littleoopi
I had this exact question! By now I've made a ton but they're all sitting in my to-do, so I came into the forums for the first time to see how I can mark them as done and maybe rate them with comments (kind of like on Goodreads or Libib — like, I finished this book, it was great, here are my notes/summary for when I read the next in the series). Based ont he other comments here, I guess that's not a thing, but it would be amazing if it were!
Bracelet King
2 months, 2 weeks ago by pulserasAG
There are many people who, when they finish the patterns, take them out of their to-dos and add them to their loves. I do that but my loves are also the ones that seem very big to me or I just sometimes add them to my to-dos and if I like them a lot also to my loves, it's not that they have to be just the ones you've already finished ❤️
Bracelet King
1 week, 6 days ago by Aalijah
I think it would be useful for the app users that aren’t able to “love” if we had this feature.
Bracelet King
1 week, 5 days ago by Aalijah
Either that or allow the app users to “love”.