Variation tab broken
6 months, 3 weeks ago by sir-shadow
so i have clicked add a variation on a pattern and going to all the other tabs exept alpha(the main page) leads me to the message saying , This generator cannot be used on a pattern created from an existing one.
and i only have the option to submit the original and add hastags but i cannot tweak the colours. that i would really love to do before starting my project so i could see where i place the colours on the final project
This pattern already exists as #__________ but you can tweak the colors and add it as its variation. is in the critic box.. Braceletbook doesnt have a privacy feature or box to tick that says noone is allowed to change my pattern i belive .
thank you to whomever can help me with this : D
Super Moderator
6 months, 3 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
Are you making a variation of an alpha pattern? You can only access the 'Alpha' main page. You cannot use the other tabs.

On the main page you can change the existing colors by clicking on the colored boxes above the keywords.
6 months, 3 weeks ago by sir-shadow
so i can only use the colour slots already on the pattern so if a pattern has two colours i cannot add any more??
Super Moderator
6 months, 3 weeks ago by KrazyKnotz
You cannot add or take away colors when making variations for alpha patterns. You can only change the existing colors.