option to sort patterns at random
7 months ago by Hugin
I have just been looking for new patterns for my to do list (as if it wasn't long enough already...). I don't have a specific motif in mind, so I just want to look through the pages and get some inspiration.I thought it would be cool to display the search results in random order. In other words, as an additional option to the existing ranking options. This would allow different patterns to be displayed first for each search and you wouldn't always see the same fixed order. (Of course, you can also simply jump to a middle page and then see other results as well, not just the top patterns, but perhaps the random sorting would still give you a better chance of finding more unknown patterns). |
Bracelet King
7 months ago by Cow28
I think this would be very useful, good idea!
6 months, 3 weeks ago by meowthe
This is a great idea!
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by superme123
yes, great idea!