easier way to look through photos on the app
7 months, 3 weeks ago by ilemus097
i find when using the BB app if i like a certain pattern i will always go down to the photos to see all of the incredible creations and would love an easier way to navigate that.

first off, being able to scroll through and see all of the photos under a certain pattern without having to individually tap on every one of them, then exit out, then go to the next one. it would be much more efficient and a better experience being able to quickly scroll through each photo.

and two; a way to follow people from said photos. i love seeing all of these amazing creations but if i find one account who made a truly beautiful bracelet for a certain pattern, i would love if there was a way you could instantly follow them from that photo instead of having to exit out and look up their username by hand.
Bracelet King
7 months, 2 weeks ago by cecibee87
If you are on the website you can swipe left to see all the photos of a pattern. But not on the app.