Flagged colors (IE a=b, etc)
9 months, 4 weeks ago by ReysBae91
So this is absolutely no hate to the mods, but my variations keep getting flagged for colors being too similar when they clearly aren't. It's frustrating, especially with ombres, since tweaking them too much messes up the gradient effect. Are there hard lines about this? What are the borderlines for flagging?
9 months, 4 weeks ago by halokiwi
If you have a good reason why you need the colours to be so similar or you don't think the colours are actually that similar, write it in the review notes.
We mods will then determine, if we think they are different enough or if you could make them more different.

If we get to review a pattern or variations with lots of warnings, we will most likely assume that the user who submitted the pattern or variation simply ignored the warning or did not really think about it. That's why it's always good to state why you ignored certain warnings.

The automated warnings are not perfect, so sometimes it will be fine to accept a pattern or variation with warnings, other times it won't. The warnings are just there to help us mods figure out where there might be an issue that makes the pattern unacceptable.

Keep in mind that colours are portrayed differently on different screens. On your screen they might look fine but on another screen they might be very difficult to tell apart.
9 months, 4 weeks ago by ReysBae91
Thanks! That's super helpful.