Todo Folders (idea)
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by Abby22098
I was going through my todos and I was debating on whether I should remove the seasonal ones (since I won’t make them until next year) or keep them. I don’t want to loose them, but I also know I won’t make them until the season/holiday rolls around again🥲. That gave me the idea of todo folders! It’s simple, but it would make a great difference! Basically, you could be able to put your todos in different folders to organize them: Ex. Pink folder, Christmas Folder, etc. Then, there could also be an option to view all of them at once, like we can currently. Let me know your thoughts on this!💗
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by ningc98
i agree! i would like to sort my to-dos into different categories so i know what i need each pattern for.
10 months, 3 weeks ago by goregirl
Great idea! Hopefully we see something like this in the future
Bracelet King
9 months ago by rstring5
I have seen many people, including myself, come up with this idea and I think it is super important because i have almost 700 todos and I really wanna be able to sort themso yes! i agree with this idea |
Bracelet King
9 months ago by Abby22098
@rstring5 ikk! It would be super useful! Especially when you have lots of todos.