An idea
Bracelet King
11 months ago by KnotApril
Hi, I love the site! I was wondering if there was a way to identify within our friends list, who the site moderators are. I ask because I know that most of them (or maybe all of them) post a lot of helpful info on their page that I would love to get access to quickly sometimes. But I have a lot of friends, and it takes a long time to go through the list and find the mod that has the tips/links etc, that I’m looking for. Would it be possible to maybe color the circle around the Mods avatar a different color than orange? Or maybe an extra orange circle (just like the official challenge prize circle) with a black letter M in it to indicate the Mods profile? I hope that makes sense. Thank you for reading, and again, I love the site and you all do an awesome job at maintaining it!!!
Bracelet King
11 months ago by EggMan
While there is no way to do it on your friends list, you can look through all the users by rank, including mods and super mods. On the website, scroll all the way down on any page. In the bottom right corner, you'll see a little line of links, among them "users". That link leads to a list of all the users on braceletbook, which you then can filter in accordance to the rank you want to see using the drop-down menu.

Take note that, if you have your username and password saved, your browser might automatically enter your username into the "username contains" search field. If it does that, you will only be able to find yourself, so the mod list will appear empty. That is easily remedied by making sure that search field is empty before you hit 'apply filters'.
11 months ago by halokiwi
@EggMan you are also able to filter your friends list the same way you can filter the whole userbase.
On your profile, scroll down to your friends list and click 'show all'.
It might only work starting from a specific amount of friends, but you both have enough friends for it to work.

Here are both your friends lists:

I assume that you could replace your username with any other user name to see the friend list of any other user.

You can also go to the place where you can accept and decline friend requests to filter your friends by rank

But like @EggMan says, it might be useful to filter all the users and not just your friends, because you might not be friends with all the moderators.

Here are all the moderators and super moderators:
Bracelet King
11 months ago by EggMan
@halokiwi I completely forgot the friend lists work the same way as the user list. Look at me spreading misinformation due to overconfidence. Taking this as a lesson for more detrimental things.
Bracelet King
11 months ago by KnotApril
Oh, now I get it 🤪 @halokiwi and @EggMan thank you very much for helping me. I wasn’t aware of the bottom page menu, which makes much more sense. I need to take the time to explore more 😇