Delete isn't working on create pattern
1ย year ago by 4reeel
I want to join the chat but says, I haven't tick the a box or something. I see nothing to click. And I accidentally some how placed patterns I didn't intend on submitting and can't delete them?
1ย year ago by halokiwi
You seem to describing multiple different issues.To be able to write on the chat, you have to be a higher rank. This is to prevent trolls from using the chat. You can rank up by being active on braceletbook. The more active you are and the more valuable your questions are, the faster you can rank up. You have not published any patterns so far. I think you might have several patterns in your drafts (create pattern section To delete a pattern from your drafts, go to the first page of the generator (normal or alpha) and click 'delete' on the bottom right. To submit and publish a pattern, you also need to be on the first page of the generator. You need to tick the box next to 'Share rights: This pattern is not copyrighted, or I have permissions to publish it from the original author.'. After you ticked that box, you should be able to submit the pattern, if there are no critical warnings. I hope this answers your questions. Feel free to ask further. |