no internet on tutorials
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
on some tutorials, the app will just randomly say that i can't view the tutorial bc there's no internet. if i move on through the tutorials, i suddenly have internet again. then i go back, and it doesn't like me, and i continue, and the internet is back. i know my internet isn't that spotty bc it works for the rest of the app, so is there a way to fix that for myself or is it just an appwide thing?
Bracelet King
1 year ago by tkd2010
this happens to me too 😭
Bracelet King
1 year ago by tkd2010
and then the whole app freezes up. it’s the only part of the app where this happens so when i go back into the app it’s back to normal
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
@tkd2010 yes!!! so glad it's not just me!
Bracelet King
1 year ago by tkd2010
yeah it’s been doing this to me for like a year, i’ve just never thought it happened to other people. 😭 i thought it was just my phone