You should be able to report people
Bracelet King
5 years ago by -avarxse-
I think you should be able to report people, like how there was the one person swearing in the chat.
Bracelet King
5 years ago by AriaKnots
I agree this is something that a lot of us would benefit from. I often recommend my young friends to this site, but I don't want them exposed to people cussing or just talking inappropriately!
5 years ago by halokiwi
I think to report someone you could message @Admin or one of the moderators but I agree that it would be useful to have a simple tool to report.
Super Moderator
5 years ago by KrazyKnotz
Please message @Admin or another moderator and/or tag us in the chat using the '@'. 👍
Bracelet King
5 years ago by BeadGirl16
Back in November, we had a bad problem with the chat being filled with weird and inappropriate comments, and I messaged @Admin about it. Here's a snippet of our conversation:

Me (BeadGirl16); Would there be a way to easily implement anonymously reporting users, posts and comments so that people don’t have to message you or publicly tag the mods?

Admin: Yes, there definitely is a way to do that. In extreme cases like this (the chat being FLOODED with inappropriate content) I think it's not a big problem to message me, but in other cases I think more users would be maybe reporting content which they find inappropriate.

So it has been brought to Admin's attention. I don't know if he is working on anything like that right now, but it's probably on his todo list.