Easier alpha editting
1 year, 4 months ago by cadoized
I'd like to suggest an easier way to add rows and replacing colours in the alpha editor.At the moment if you want to add a row either vertically or horizontally it will be added on the outside/border of the pattern, which can be a reeeeaaaal pain if you're halfway through making a pattern and want to add a row somewhere in the middle. For example; say you want part of a pattern to be symmetrical but you realize you've missed or added a row on one side, you need to individually move each knot in the pattern to make it symmetrical again. This takes soooo long and is incredibly frustrating. I'd suggest the option to choose where you want to add a row in a pattern, so it isn't restricted to the patterns borders. I'd like to see an easier way to replacing colours as well. Currently, if you want to change colours in an alpha you will need to add a new colour and paint it over every instance of the colour you want to replace, which also takes a very long time. Especially if it's a small change in hue/saturation, it can be very hard to find every individual knot using the colour you want to replace. Buttons or something similar to give the option of adding a new colour OR changing an existing colour would be very helpful! I'm also not sure why undos are limited? Personally I'd appreciate being able to undo much more than is currently allowed. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Hylia224
I like the adding a new row within idea but instead of removing or changing an existing color, there could be a way to show where that color is throughout the pattern. I've also thought an eyedropper tool would be handy, especially if you have multiple shades and hues of a color. Like where you can tap a tool, tap on the color you like, and then you can use that color, instead of having to test and go through every shade of that color. That's one of the things that frustrates me the most when tweaking alpha-to-image patterns, since I put the colors at max for the best outcome
1 year, 4 months ago by cadoized
Yeah I agree on the eyedropper, though you'd also need something to eyedrop *from*. I've discovered a neat trick you can do though, at least on firefox: >Find the image you want to pick from >Right-click image and click 'inspect' >Look directly below the Inspector tab, you should see the 'search HTML' bar >Follow search bar to the left, there should be a + and an eyedropper symbol >Click the eyedropper and use the mouse to navigate, the hexcode of each pixel will be displayed >When you find the exact pixel you want, left-click and the hexcode will be copied to your clipboard >Paste (crtl+v) the hexcode into the 'Using colour' bar in the alpha editor There should be a similar way to do this with other browsers as well. I also agree on highlighting each knot where a colour is used 👍 |
1 year, 4 months ago by halokiwi
You do not need to click on each individual knot to replace colours. Just go to "alpha" and change the colour in "colours used".But I definitely agree on the bit with the rows. If it is a horizontal row I want to add or remove somewhere, I can kind of easily do it in "alpha" by just adding/removing an entire row, but when it's a vertical row, I need to add/remove knots in all of the rows. My advice is to not only use "draw alpha" but also "alpha" when editing your pattern. Just using one of them is tough, but in combination you can do so much with them. My favourite one being merging colours: you just set colours to the same code in "alpha", click save, go to "draw alpha", click "save" there too and the colours will be merged. I think the limit on undos has to do with storage. All the steps have to be stored somewhere. I guess, you have to put a limit somewhere and most people will probably never reach that limit. I can check with admin, if he can raise the limit, but I'm sure setting it to infinite wouldn't be a good idea. For the colour picking issue I use https://imagecolorpicker.com/ You can just upload an image there and use that to pick the colours @Hylia224 but the way @cadoized describes seems a lot more effective. I'm just suggesting a way for all the people who aren't tech nerds 😉 I know, it would be great to have all the features on one site, easily available, but if they aren't, you can find ways to work around it 😄 Another good work around is to draw your patterns in a pixel art app (I used to use one called dotpict), download your pattern in the lowest resolution (one square is actually one pixel) and then use "alpha from image" on it (make sure, size and amount of colours is set to the right amount). Pixel art apps are specifically made for drawing pixel art, so they might have advantages compared to a site like braceletbook whichs focus isn't just on designing alpha patterns, but which has many more features. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Hylia224
Thank you @halokiwi! I'll for sure switch back and forth between alph and draw alpha. I don't know why I've never thought of that before 😅
1 year, 4 months ago by halokiwi
@Hylia224 don't forget to click "save", if you do
1 year, 4 months ago by cadoized
Thank you @halokiwi for the tips! I admit I rely mostly on drawing alphas so I will try to utilize the other options more. Do you have any specific recs for pixel art software? I've used CSP for some alphas but that's not really made for pixel art so it's a bit fidgety. |