Levelling up idea
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Stmermaid1
Since everyone is so confused at the levelling up (people dont know what will help them get to the next level, they dont know how close they are to being the next level, etc...), I have figured it might be a good idea to have a bar, maybe in between the options for the forum and your user, that shows how far along you are to being on the next level. This bar would get fuller each time you do an action (for example adding a pattern to your to-dos, creating a pattern...) It could potentially have maximum of points you'd have to obtain before you advance, with each action you do giving you a certain number of points; for example, creating a new pattern could be twenty points, depending on how big/intricate it is, sending a message could be worth 2 points, rating a pattern could be five points... etc. When the bar is full, (when you have reached the max points) you move onto the next level, and obviously at the end when you become a Bracelet King, there could be a potential reward? Obviously, I dont know how the actual system works, and this is just an idea BUT I see so many people asking questions about levelling up because after all they do it seems like they're getting nowhere.What do you guys think of this idea? Do you think it would help newbies like myself? I got to advanced in a day, but since then I still haven't reached Skiller, and I dont know how long it'll take for me to get there! |
1 year, 6 months ago by halokiwi
It is a point based system like you are describing it, but it is just not visible how many points you get for which action and how many points you need to rank up again. I think that is a good thing 🙂 if people knew exactly which actions gives which amount of points and how many points they need, they might have a tendency to just do whatever it takes to rank up. That tendency is sometimes already there and it would get even more with a ranking system like you describe it.I think it would be a bit sad, if people were just active on braceletbook to reach the highest rank and not because they like the website and want to contribute to it because of that. The purpose of braceletbook is not to reach the highest rank as fast as possible, but to have a place where you can find patterns and share patterns, look at photos for inspiration and post your own photos and what I think is most important, connect with others who share your love for bracelets. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Stmermaid1
Yes, that is true, you have a great point in regard to that tendency all, if not most people have. There would be some people out there who would probably spend hours ranking up, trying to get to the highest level, and then when they get to that stage, there would be a high chance of them dumping the website/app all together because, they've ranked up now, what else is there to do? Then again, if this was installed into the app/website, then there would be no obligation to tell the user how many points a certain action is worth, it could just be a progress bar that gets fuller from time to time, without telling you how many points you need to get before the next level is reached/ how many points an action such as submitting a pattern is worth. And when that bar is full, you move onto the next level. Each time you level up, the bar would obviously fill up slower, which is how I believe the current system works? You have to acquire more points for each level? That way people would know that they're progressing and getting closer, without feeling that tendency of "Oh that action has the biggest number of points, let's just do that then instead of all the other things I could do because they're worth less". Thanks for your feedback halokiwi ❤️ ! Do you think this is a better option, or that my idea still needs more development? |
1 year, 6 months ago by halokiwi
I think the tendencies might still be there, because even if the exact amount of points is not shown as a number, the progress bar would visualise it.
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Efi
@Stmermaid1 I think your idea is really good and well-thought and it would help a lot of us.If not what you just described , at least something similar would be nice and interesting to have as a feature . I think it makes the process more exciting and seeing the bar moving /looking at your progress and being able to somehow "track" it I guess would motivate people to be more active (not because their goal is to level up) and seeing their hard work paying off would make them happy. On the other hand @halokiwi I totally get your point but I think users can still do what you are describing even without the existence of the bar just like you said . So in my opinion if something like that would exist it would be interesting and helpful to those who are just curious or think it's fun to see their progress and people who are just trying to level up only for the sake of leveling up they can still do actions just because they are trying to level up without the bar. So I think there are more pros of having a bar or whatever that would be than the cons and I think it will do more good than bad. And if you guys think that the tendency as @halokiwi said will get even more then you could maybe add the feature for a short amount of time as a "test" to see how the users react or ask for a feedback and if they will like it (which I think most of us would like it) maybe that feature could be visible just for the 2 - 3 highest levels or something like that. I know I keep saying that over and over again but the tendency will be there no matter what and people who want to treat this site as a "game" to rank up they will but I think most of us are here for the purpose that the site was created, to get inspiration, share photos, tips, patterns and offer to this community and I think it is just going to make the site more fun for us. I think that if this topic gets more attention there will be many users with creative and helpful ideas. Please reconsider it ❤️ |
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Stmermaid1
@Efi Thanks for your feedback, and your support lol. You're right, a test would be an awesome way to see how people would react to this change and if people don't like it, we simply don't add it to the site/app. But in saying that, I still would like something like this as an update to the site just because I think it would be a good addition for us users.
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Efi
@Stmermaid1 yup, totally agree with you! ❤️I hope more people get to see this and tell us what they think too.