Challenges / Forum Post Addition <3
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by ondinaevan
I think it'd be cool if under the "challenges" part of the forum, you could save the ones that you're participating in in some way! Like a favourite, but for forum posts ? Maybe even have that feature extended to all forum posts, so that someone can save tips/challenges/etc they find useful or have done!I have found myself joining challenges recently and forgetting which ones I'm a part of so I end up not participating because I lose the notification to go back to the replies after a couple days.. Like I sign up to a challenge, get the reply that I'm in, but then when I want to start the challenge 4-5 days later, the notification is gone because other notifications have pushed it out of visibility. I know this can easily be solved with better organisation on my part and saving links to a google doc file or something, but I think if it was a part of the website in the future that'd be super interesting to a lot of people! Or maybe even have a "join challenge" and "leave challenge" button, and let the maker of the challenge set a deadline and whatnot, so that they themselves have a list of who is participating, and the people participating have it saved on their profile so they can re-read the rules and go back to comment on it and whatnot! ❤️ 🎉 Anything similar to that would be fun. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by AlmaLlama
Great idea!
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by harriet22
This is a great idea, I think this would be a great and really helpful feature on the website and the app